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Cookbooks to Tablets

Technology is what’s trending in today’s kitchen. Today’s kitchen trends encompass far more than colors, counter tops, flooring and appliances.  Your grandmother’s recipe cards or cookbooks are now the latest framed Pinterest project.  Milk, bread and flour, once a staples in your grandmother’s kitchen, are now been replaced with a refrigerator that includes HD televisions and…

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Custom laundry room


Turn your clutter and chaos into a clean closet! Before starting this blog I thought I would see how Webster defines a closet.  A closet is usually small room that is used for storing things (such as clothing, towels, or dishes).  clos·et noun \ˈklä-zət, ˈklȯ-\: A closet can be small room, enclosed recess, or cabinet for storing clothing, food, utensils, etc. is how describes it. Either way, a closet…

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