Remodeling 101 Part 2 - Making Your Selections.
We continue our remodeling 101 series with part 2 - making selections for a kitchen remodel project. A remodel is like a journey, so to speak. To make a journey successful and memorable, much planning must take place. The purpose for the journey must be established…
Remodeling 101 Part 1 Budgeting & Planning
Setting a realistic budget
Does remodeling your kitchen and bath seem so intimidating that you are not sure where you should begin?
Do you want to remodel but can’t get started because you know you must stay within a certain budget?
Whether you are planning…
Goodbye Summer ~ Welcome Fall 2015 News & Event update for Walker Woodworking
Wow, I can't believe the summer is almost over. August was such a busy month for us here at Walker Woodworking but as usual, never a dull moment.
At the beginning of August we wrapped up Homearama at Cheval. It was a great turnout and very exciting…
Turn your clutter and chaos into a clean closet!
Before starting this blog I thought I would see how Webster defines a closet. A closet is usually small room that is used for storing things (such as clothing, towels, or dishes).
clos·et noun \ˈklä-zət, ˈklȯ-\:
A closet can be small room, enclosed recess, or cabinet for storing clothing, food, utensils, etc. is how describes it. Either way, a closet…